Bloodlines: Maternal and Paternal

Bloodlines: Maternal and Paternal

For so many of us the family album was where we first saw photographs, taken either in a studio or by a family member on a special occasion. I am fortunate to have a collection of photographs going back to the turn of the last century, from both sides of my family.. These woven and striped collages were made from September - December 2019, , as an Artist-in-Residence at the Covello Senior Center in East Harlem, NYC, while on a Sabbatical semester from Pratt Institute. They were shown at the Carter Burden Gallery,in New York City, March - April 2020.

For so many of us the family album was where we first saw photographs, taken either in a studio or by a family member on a special occasion. I am fortunate to have a collection of photographs going back to the turn of the last century, from both sides of my family.

Striped Men, 2015

Striped Men, 2015